Opera director

Dido and Aeneas
H. Purcell
Studiosaal Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin. 2018
The queen of Carthage, a powerful woman who was able to raise an entire empire on her own, is devastated by the sudden departure of her beloved Aeneas, to such an extent that she decides to let herself die.
A staging that delves into the trauma of abandonment and the danger of being trapped in the memories of the past and in the projections of a future that will never happen.
Based on music by Henry Purcell and texts by Francisco de Quevedo.
Musical direction: Oliver Wunderlich
Stage direction and video projections: Ana Cuéllar Velasco
Scenography: Larah Rosswag
Costume designer: Lilith Baumgarten
Lighting: Ana Cuéllar Velasco, Larah Rosswag and Lilith Baumgarten
Dido: Fanny Soyer
Aeneas: Adam Schiffer
Sorceress: Dominika Koscielniak
First Witch: Kristin Gudmundsdóttir
Second Witch: Agata Kuczmera
First Sailor: Gordon Plank
Chorus: Julia Debowska, Chiara Jarrell, Ireene Ollino, Kristaps Ivanovs, Fermin Basterra, Bruno Meichsner, Rory Green
Photos: Jakob Tillmann and Ana Cuellar